My Why

My job is to find real estate solutions

Judy Hearst knows what it takes to go above and beyond to provide excellent service and results. Judy has extensive knowledge and experience in real estate sales both residential and commercial. Using her real estate contract knowledge, connections and proven sales results, her clients know that Judy is the trusted real estate source. A 2nd generation Realtor, Judy has worked as an agent, manager, broker owner, Director of Education, and Sr. Vice President Regional Manager with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage from 2002-2017.   In 2017, Judy returned to sales and enjoys the connections she makes while providing her personalized service level through her mission to provide the service level she expects! Judy loves the authentic connections she makes with clients as she guides them through the buying and selling process so many become lifelong friends.

Judy is currently on the board of the Greater Milwaukee Association of Realtors, and from 2002 - 2016 Judy was both Metro MLS and Wisconsin Realtor Association director. In addition Judy is board president of the Wisconsin Quilt Fiber Arts Museum in Cedarburg, Wisconsin and is chair of the state board of the Wisconsin Arthritis Foundation. In 2016, Judy received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Greater Milwaukee Association of Realtors.

After college graduation, Judy had a successful career Judy as a fiber artist, both contemporary weaver and quilt maker. Her artwork was represented by galleries across the country and she was published in both industry and consumer publications. Her public speaking passion was cultivated when she lectured to quilt and museum groups on contemporary quilt making as an art form.  Judy uses her creativity to find real estate solutions.

“Paychecks come and go; it’s the special relationships I develop with clients that makes helping buyers and sellers so special” says Judy.  

